
Showing posts from May, 2020

The waiting

  THE WAITING                                      I titled this blog the waiting, because waiting on God  is a huge part of our Christian life. When we pray to God He is always there to answer our prays, but often times we fall short in the process of the waiting period. No one wants to have to wait on God to work it out, We want a quick fix. As I was reading in Exodus about how God delivered the children of Israel from the egypt,  I couldn't help but to recognize that the moment the children of Israel cried out to God He answered them; However, it was still a long process before their total deliverance took place. It all looked bad on the outside but, God was doing great things behind the scenes the entire time. God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let His (the children of Israel) people go. When Pharaoh refused to let them go, God sent plague after plague to egypt to...

overcoming performance

Overcoming Performance Do you feel like you have to perform in order for God to be pleased with you? I know sometimes I do. Sometimes you may feel like you have to accomplish a long list of things or do everything right in order for God to be pleased with you. If you don't then you'll  feel guilty. If you don't read your bible you feel guilt, if you get frustrated with the kids you feel guilty, if you don't start the ministry you feel guilty, If you didn't prayer enough you feel guilty. Guilt is always a sign that you are not on the right track. Matthew 11:30 says  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. We shouldn't feel the burden of guilt when doing something for God. Normally that's when we are doing things out of performance because we want God to be happy with us.   Truth is God doesn't need us to do anything for Him, He chooses to invite us in because of His love for us. It is only by his grace and his mercy that we are able to do anythin...