overcoming performance

Overcoming Performance

Do you feel like you have to perform in order for God to be pleased with you? I know sometimes I do. Sometimes you may feel like you have to accomplish a long list of things or do everything right in order for God to be pleased with you. If you don't then you'll  feel guilty. If you don't read your bible you feel guilt, if you get frustrated with the kids you feel guilty, if you don't start the ministry you feel guilty, If you didn't prayer enough you feel guilty. Guilt is always a sign that you are not on the right track. Matthew 11:30 says  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. We shouldn't feel the burden of guilt when doing something for God. Normally that's when we are doing things out of performance because we want God to be happy with us. 
 Truth is God doesn't need us to do anything for Him, He chooses to invite us in because of His love for us. It is only by his grace and his mercy that we are able to do anything. It is by our faith in Him That we reach Him. Believing in His goodness. Our performance should be a result of our faith in God. We do not perform to make God happy. Isaiah 64:6 tells us that we are all unclean and our righteousness are as filthy rags. Our walk with Christ is about receiving our salvation through Jesus Christ and living a life of faith.
    Today we will break that cycle so that you can experience Gods grace. Here are four things that can break the cycle of performance.


 Sometimes we think that doing is the answer to being obedient, but sometimes resting is the answer. Doing can sometimes lead us to burn out and decline in our mental and spiritual health. When we are always trying to figure things out, it brings on anxieties and its hard for us to hear from God when we are anxious. Lots of times when we are at the end of ourselves that is when God is able to step in. When we learn to rest and give all of our concerns to God we can rest assure that he will lead us into the right direction and that is when we will experience his marvelous grace.

2.) Learn How to receive Gods love from a low place.
It goes against our human nature to believe that God loves us when we are not performing or when we mess up. I believe the reason being is because of the guilt that we feel. When we fall short we feel guilty and the only way that we feel better about ourselves is when we get it right, so we perform so that we don't have to feel guilt. When we began to understand Gods love and grace we can allow ourselves to fall short and be human and we learn to accept Gods love when we mess up. It all starts with learning about God's love for you.

3.) Celebrate your accomplishments.
Sometimes our performance can be all about self gratification. We don't feel good about ourselves so we perform. In reality we don't feel good about ourselves simply because we don't take time to celebrate ourselves enough. Its really hard to see the good in yourself, but it seems like our flaws are always right before us. When we don't take time out to think about the areas in our life's where we have grown, overcome and succeeded, we find ourselves on a never ending quest of accomplishments in a effort to feel fulfilled. We will never arrive or be perfect so we have to learn to appreciate where we are.

4.) Thank God for the good and bad.
A lot of times we get down on ourselves when we realize our shortcomings, and the areas where we are broken and lacking. We try so hard to push those areas away. We don't realize how those areas has helped us to grow to some capacity and have pushed us closer to leaning on God. We have to learn to not be so frustrated with our weakness because its so much good that can come from that. Be patient with yourself and be patient with God, knowing that where we are broken and lacking is a opportunity for something greater . Romans 8:28 says All things work together for good, for those who love Him.


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