5 things that you should know if youre stuck in a toxic relationship

 Things you should know about being in a toxic relationship


  I meet women all the time that are stuck in relationships that they know isn't good for them but they just can't seem to find the strength to leave. Speaking from personal experience I can definitely relate. There are so many factors that can play a part in why you are still there. It could be child hood trauma, insecurities, fear of being alone, sense of worthlessness, soul ties, and more. It is very difficult to leave a toxic relationship, some people stay stuck for years and even decades because of this. If you are reading this and this is you I want you to know that this situation isn't your only option, there is a better life ahead of you, if you can just trust God and let go. Here are some things you need to know that may help you leave that toxic situation.

                                                5 things to think about

1.) You can't change Him.
Many women stay in bad relationships because they feel like they can change a man. You can not change anyone. If this person has a history of cheating, abuse, addiction, etc. they won't change unless they make up in their mind that they want to change. You can't love them enough, tell them enough, or cry enough for them to change. Changing them is not your responsibility and you shouldn't waste your life waiting on someone to change either. The person that God has for you, will love you and treat you right without your help. Do not waste your time trying to change Him. move on.

2.) You will need Gods help to leave.
As I mentioned before, leaving a toxic relationship is something that is very difficult to do. If left up to you, you probably would never leave. Its not because you don't want to but you may feel like you can't. The bible tells us that Gods strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). When you allow God to intervene He will give you the strength that you will need in order to move on.  Say a pray and tell him your deepest fears about moving forward and then invite Him in to intervene.

3.) Being lonely is not a bad thing.
You need to be alone in order for you to heal. You are going to need that time to yourself to find you again. There are so many good aspect of being alone, you are becoming whole, you have free range to pursue your dreams, goals and relationship with God with out any distractions of a relationship, You can get to know yourself better and make things all about you again.  Don't focus on the negative aspect of being alone. Being alone is what will push you into becoming the better version of yourself.

4.) You have to be willing to face the pain.
 No one wants to face the pain of heartbreak. I get it. However; the pain is something that you can't avoid. You still love the person, have feelings for them and want to be with them so moving on without them will hurt. Healing is always a painful process. You have too choose, Do you stay in that painful relationship, or  do you face the pain of leaving and start on your journey to your new happy life. You have to allow that hurt to run its course, eventually things will get better. The good thing about it is that you have God's grace to guide you through the process. Scripture tells us that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. psalm 30:5.

5.) Having a Godly support will help you.
Its quite natural for you to want to shut down and shut everyone out. You don't want no one to see you in that situation and judge you. However, having someone that you can trust, open up too, and that will hold you accountable without judging you will give you a safe place to go. That person may not be someone that is closes to you, maybe it could be a counselor or someone in your church. Whoever that maybe for you, find that person and talk to them about what you are going through and how you feeling. You will need someone by your side to encourage you, pray for you and remind you of who you are in Christ.


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