How do I know if He is the one for me

Are you wondering Is He the one for you Or even How will you know if He is the one for you?
We can have our own preconceived ideas of what He'd be like; But do we really know? You may have a list of things that you want in a guy but sometimes that list can be misleading because no guy is perfect so it can be hard to know if this is really the one that God has for you. You always want to pray about it so that God will lead you but Today I want to give you six things that can be the determining factor of you knowing if He is the one for you.


1.) He is a answer to your prayers.
The first thing that you want to do is pray and ask God to bring you the right guy for you. Tell God the things that you want in a husband and then submit that list to Him. Now just as I mentioned before the list can sometimes be misleading because Some things you have to give a chance to develop in the relationship; However there should be some type of fruit of the things that you desire in a husband especially when it comes to the most important characteristics like being a Godly man, being loving and caring man, etc. those are some things that you will  need him to have in order to have a successful relationship and it will continue to grow more along the way. For the most part what you prayed for shall be confirmed in HIS qualities. Philippians 4:6-7

2.) He is consistent.
When you first meet a guy you can bank on them being very impressive. They're going to be nice,  sweet, and say and do all the right things; but the right guy will continue to be that person throughout the course of the relationship. If he go from being Mr. nice guy to being verbally abusive the next month or year than that's a red flag. If He wants to be with you one day and then the next day He doesn't than that's also a red flag, because He doesn't know what He wants. You want to make sure that you can be with a guy that can provide you good emotional stability. A good guy is consistent. He has good behavior, good patterns, and He knows what He want. Pay attention to His fruits. Matthew 7:20.

3.) He is trustworthy.
Although trust is something that will build overtime, it also maybe things that you can recognize early on. He maybe very flirtatious, He may have a history of cheating, He maybe a liar. Those are things that you don't want to ignore in hopes that it will get better. You will need to be able to go into the relationship with confidence and peace knowing that you could trust Him and or safe with Him. The person God has for you will Honor you and respect you! James 1:17

4.) He loves you for you.
This person should be able to accept you for who you are. Some good signs that He loves you for you is that you're comfortable with being yourself around Him, He accepts the way you look, you can be open with him, He doesn't judge you, He doesn't ignore your feelings, and  He is patient with you with your flaws. Those are all good signs that He loves and accept you for who you. If  He is constantly asking you to change things about yourself than He is not the one for you. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

5.) He Helps you grow.
The person that God has for you should help you to grow and also push you closer to God. God has given you a help meet to help you and too bring out the best in you. He should inspire good character in you, He should inspire you to love yourself more, and He should inspire to grow closer to God. He should be good for your spiritual mental and emotional health. Ask yourself, Since being with this person is what we've built on good or bad? Proverbs 27:17

6.)He has Godly Character.
What are some Godly charateristics that you see in Him? Although we grow and develope spiritually more and more along the way, there should still be some Godly fruit that you could see in him right away. Does he have a heart for God, can you see some spiritual fruit in him, and does He live according to the word.  You want to make sure that God is His foundation and that He is rooted in Christ so that He would be able to be your covering and also be able to lead you in the right direction.


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