3 key elements too trusting God in hard times

Are you going through a tough season right now, and are having a hard time trusting God?  We all have our tough season and times where we may question God or have our doubts and want too give up. Maybe its because of a divorce, maybe you're having a hard time on your job, maybe its anxiety and depression, maybe its finances. When things get hard our first response is too want too give up or get mad at God.  I mean I get it," it doesn't feel good". The racing thoughts that comes with anxiety, the pain from the divorce, that aggravating co-worker that's does everything too get under your skin. It all can be overwhelming & we don't want to go through it. We have too remember that God never promised us that our lives as Christian would be easy. I believe as Christians we can sometimes mis-conceptualize our walk with Christ. We think that just because we are saved that we are exempt from trails and tribulation. That is the exact opposite of what the bible teaches us. In John 16:33 (niv) Jesus said, " I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world". As Christians, we will face hardship but, Jesus is right there with us too give us peace in the midst, and He promises us that we will overcome. In the midst of what you are going through, I want to give you three key elements to trusting God in your right where you are.


                                                         3 keys too overcome tough seasons
1.) Loose control
   I believe that whatever you are going through God is going to use that situation to grow you. The first step to your break through is loosing control. The first thing we attempt to do is change the situation, because we want to make it better; However we don't have the power to do that. You can't control your co-worker, you can't change your spouse, you can't change the fact anxiety has crept in; However you could change who you choose to be in this situation. Ask God why are you going through this, what are some things that you need to be learning from this experience, What are some areas that He wants too heal in you,  What are some things that He want to do in this situation? Allow God to have total control. I know loosing control can seem so scary but you have no other option. You have to choose to believe God and stand on His promises. These are key elements that will help you change your mindset through the process. By doing this you are allowing God too intervene & He will change you and turn your sorrow into victory (Romans 8:28).

2.)Spend alot time with Him
   The second step is too spend a lot of time with Him. Hearing the promises of God over your life and knowing what He says about you is essential to getting through tough times. When I was going through my tough season I would read my bible once in the morning, once at night ( still do) and then again at 3am. This helped me to stay focus on Him and drown out the chaos that was going on around me. The enemy will try and lie too you and tell you things like

"you will never get through this'

"you might as well give up"

"God doesn't care about what you're going through"

"You're not worthy"

"You will never amount to anything "

"Nothing good will come out of this"

He will try his best too attack you so that you can give in, because He knows  when you make it through this that you will  come out stronger than ever. God is with you so fill up on His word and choose to believe the best.

3.) Focus on the present
 Thirdly, I strongly suggest that you  focus on the present. We're always worried about tomorrow and are worried that things will only end up getting worst. That always put us in a negative mindset. Matthew 6:34 says Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. I think the principle in this is learning how too trust God day by day, its no need too worry about tomorrow and how things will pan out. Let go of the what if mindset and Focus on today and what God is doing in this moment for you.  If your constantly worried about tomorrow, than your"re missing out on the grace and healing that God has for you today that will conquer tomorrow. God's grace and mercy is new everyday and He will supply your every moment. Ask God to teach you how to focus on today.  Anytime that you get to a point where you're feeling overwhelmed by your situation Call out too Him and He will give you everything that you need in that moment. Day by day He will restore you.


  In closing, we really need to understand that we can not put our trust in people, situations, finances, feelings, emotions & the plans that we have for our own life. They will fail us every time. God is the source of everything that we need in life. It is no situation or circumstance that He can't rescue us from. He will give us everything that we need to sustain tough seasons so, use this tough season too learn how too put your trust in God. When times get tough trust Him, when you don't understand trust Him. Mediatate on His promises for your life and you will get through this.



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