
Showing posts from March, 2020

Covid -19 pandemic ( what should be our focus as christians)

  Covid -19                                                                                                                          What should Christians be doing   As I anxiously wait for a phone call from my realtor to let me know that the deal is still going through, the phone rang and it was him. " Mrs. Lowe, everything went well and we are going to proceed with the deal" he said . I was exuberant! Suddenly, all of my doubts and fears went out of the window and my day was going better. I had been waiting to hear this good news all day in hopes that the coronavirus didn't mess things up for us. Then, I heard the holy spirit say "Courtney, one day this will be all gone".  Then it hit me, without even realizing it I had placed my trust in a house. I had spent so much time during this pandemic worrying and hoping for this house so that I can be at peace and up until this point I had missed the big picture of what God was trying to get me to see durin

5 things that you should know if youre stuck in a toxic relationship

 Things you should know about being in a toxic relationship                                                             I meet women all the time that are stuck in relationships that they know isn't good for them but they just can't seem to find the strength to leave. Speaking from personal experience I can definitely relate. There are so many factors that can play a part in why you are still there. It could be child hood trauma, insecurities, fear of being alone, sense of worthlessness, soul ties, and more. It is very difficult to leave a toxic relationship, some people stay stuck for years and even decades because of this. If you are reading this and this is you I want you to know that this situation isn't your only option, there is a better life ahead of you, if you can just trust God and let go. Here are some things you need to know that may help you leave that toxic situation.                                                 5 things to think about 1.) You