Covid -19 pandemic ( what should be our focus as christians)

  Covid -19


What should Christians be doing

  As I anxiously wait for a phone call from my realtor to let me know that the deal is still going through, the phone rang and it was him. " Mrs. Lowe, everything went well and we are going to proceed with the deal" he said . I was exuberant! Suddenly, all of my doubts and fears went out of the window and my day was going better. I had been waiting to hear this good news all day in hopes that the coronavirus didn't mess things up for us. Then, I heard the holy spirit say "Courtney, one day this will be all gone".  Then it hit me, without even realizing it I had placed my trust in a house. I had spent so much time during this pandemic worrying and hoping for this house so that I can be at peace and up until this point I had missed the big picture of what God was trying to get me to see during this coronavirus outbreak. God was trying to reveal to me my idols and turn my heart back to Him. Oh, how easily we can get distracted?
  This pandemic has shown us how fragile life can truly be. Our whole world changed in a blink of an eye and thousands of people around us are dying. The world is on lockdown and people have lost their jobs, their loves ones, weddings and graduations are being canceled or postpone and there is so much uncertainty. We have never lived through such a time as this. This has truly put life into perspective for us. It shows us how short life truly can be. James 4:14 says you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little while and vanishes away. This is truly being revealed. Oh, what a hopeless people we would be if we would spend our time trying to hold on to the things of this world. Don't be the girl that is so focused on a house, car career, wedding, etc. during this time. Those things are great and I believe God is taking care of that, but we have to turn our focus more on what God is saying through this situation. I believe, God is using this situation to expose our idols and turn our hearts back to Him. We've been stripped from our normal life so that we can see that this world isn't promise. We need to wake up, let go of our fairytale lives and repent. We need to run to God and stop depending on the things of this world to bring us satisfaction.
  There are three main things that I want to share with you that we should be focusing on at this time.

Three things that we should focus on during  Covid-19.

1.) Prayer.
 Prayer should be our number one focus at this time. Pray for yourself and your family members daily not to be affected by this virus. Pray for those who are affected to be healed and their family members to be strengthened. Pray for those who lost loved ones during this time. Pray for the doctors and medical staff that are working non stop around the world. Pray that they can find a cure for this. Pray for our president he has the weight of the world on his shoulder. Pray that the unbeliever eyes would be opened and that they'll find hope in God. Pray for people's mental health all over the world and that they wouldn't be taking by fear. Pray for Gods provision. Pray for revival. Pray is our greatest weapon and our only hope during this pandemic. Scripture also instructs us not to be anxious about anything but in everything prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let you request be made known to God. And the peace of God will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7. Prayer is our answer.

2.) Self- Reflect.
Now that we don't have the distractions and the busyness of our everyday lives we can take the time to self reflect. Now is the time to address our issues that we suppress with going to work, going shopping, traveling, going to church, etc. Weather its a relationship issue, abandonment issue, addiction, childhood pain bring those things to the light so that God can heal you. God has hit the reset button on our lives so that we can have another chance to get things right with Him. Do not use this time to be distracted by social media, and Netflix. Be wise. Ask God to reveal some idols in your life and heal some broken places. Use this time to fast and pray and sit at the feet of Jesus. Don't miss out on what God is doing in this situation.

3.) Focus on what's important.
 The most important things in our lives are our Relationship with God, our purpose and our family. This is the time to put all of our time and focus into that and get back to what is important. God is using this time to mend families together. Its so easy for us to forget that our family is our first ministry. We get so caught up in going to work and providing and making everything look good on the outside, However, we never really work towards building a connection with our spouse and children. Now is the time to get into their world and show them how much you love and care for them. Listen to your spouse when He/SHE talks about his boss or some crazy television show. Pay attention to their needs. Laugh and play video games with your children. Give them their your undivided attention and show them how important they are to you.  Family time is both important and impactful. We have to spend more time building our families and less time being busy.
  It is also good to take this time and focus on your purpose. Focus on writing that book that God told you to write. Focus on starting that ministry, blog, you tube channel, business etc. Everything that you have been putting off because you didn't have time or maybe you have just been afraid so you've been procrastinating. No more procrastinating decide that your going to do it anyway. This pandemic has shown us that life isn't promised to us. One day we will meet Jesus face to face and we will be held accountable for how we spent our time on this earth. So make sure you're focusing on what is truly important and not running after the things of this world. Set your priorities together.


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