How to stay focused on God

How do we as Christians stay focused on God in a world full of distractions? We live in a world where it is so many ways that we can be distracted from God weather its with social media, television, relationships, jobs, parenting, school, etc. Many times we are showing up to life empty because we are not connected to our source (God). We are distracted by things that will never be of any good to us without Him. Today I am going to give you four things that has helped me stay discplined and focused on God.
    1.)Spend as much time with God as possible.
         Reading the word is my number one way of spending time with God. The word of God is how we know what is required of us in this life. This is where we learn who God is, understand his heart and know his voice. The more we spend time in his word the closer we become to him and are able to live it out and bear good fruits. His word gives us our spiritual nutrients for our spiritual life here. John 15:5 says "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. Worship, going to church, listening to you tube sermons, and attending life groups at your church are also effective ways that you can spend time with God.
   2.)Detox your life.
Detoxing your life is getting rid of everything that drains you spiritually.Negative People, television shows, music, certain enviroments, etc.  Examine your life and recongnize those things that causes you to stumble or plants negative seeds in your heart. Scripture says above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it proverbs 4:23. Ask god to give you clarity on the things that are draining you and also wisdom on how to get rid of it and replace them with things that are helpful for you spiritual journey. Some things I would suggest is to focus on building godly friendships and stick to those things that help you to grow spiritually.
3.)Set boundaries.
What are some things that have become a obsession in your life? Maybe it isn't something of sinful nature but you are noticing that it has become an idol in your life. Social media, Video games, news channel, Jobs, sometimes even ministry. Set boundaries on the things that you feel has taking priority over spending time with God. Maybe you should only indulge once or twice a week.
4.) Devise a plan.
How do you carry out your day to day life, week, month? Are you planning or just living simultaneously? I've learned that I am more focused and productive when I have planned out  the things that I have to do for the day, week, month, etc.  Without a focal point, we as humans can be undisciplined and become distracted. Scripture tells us  where there is no vision the people parish: but he that keepth the law, happy is he Proverbs 29:18. My advice to you would be to devise a daily, weekly, monthly, plan to to keep you focus and on the right track.


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