Feeling overlooked

Have you been feeling overlooked lately? You've been praying for this one thing  or maybe a few things in particular  and it seems like God is not answering your prayers. It seems like everyone around you is getting blessed and you're being overlooked.   Maybe its a promotion on the job, maybe everyone else is getting promoted before you, maybe everyone around you is getting married and you're still single, maybe it seems like everyone else's businesses are flourishing and you can hardly get yours off the ground. It seems like you've been praying for months and maybe years but God has forgotten about you and then you began to question,

 "What's wrong with me?"                       
"Am I not good enough?"

" Is he/she better than me?                                           

"Does God even care about me?"

 "Does God really love me?"

"Why am I still even trying?"

" Maybe its meant for be to be single or childless forever"
"Maybe I shouldn't have went into business all along"

"Maybe I should settle"

All these questions are swarming your mind raising feelings of
discouragement, discontentment, Envy, Jealousy, anger,
and have you left feeling hopeless.

Well I have Great news for you! God has not forgotten about you?

God still loves and cares about you more the anything. God has perfect timing for you and He is right with you. He cares about the things that bother you. He is not a respector of person (acts 10:34) and His promises for your life are still yes and amen (1corinthians 1:20).

   I remember there was a time where I was seeking employment. I had been praying and seeking God for quite a while. I had been on several interviews only to come back without the jobs. It seems like all my friends around me were getting jobs, but yet all I was getting were closed doors. It felt as though God had forgotten about me and didn't want me with a job. It felt like I was being overlooked  After awhile I was pretty discouraged looking for a job, but I didn't give up I kept looking and believing God for it. Months later God finally blessed me with a job and it was perfect. I was making more than I had ever made, I loved the work, and the schedule was perfect. I could've ask for better!
   I believe that God wanted to bless me with that job all along, but He also was testing my faith. How is she going to respond if I don't give her this job? Will she still have faith in me or will she give up?  When God is not answering our prayers sometimes He is testing us to see how we will respond when things are not going our way. When someone gets promoted before you on the job, how are you responding, Are you still believing that God wants the best for you? When everyone else around you are getting engaged or married, Can you still be happy for them, trusting in God knowing that your time is coming?  When you're still not pregnant and your biological clock is ticking, are you still believing that there is nothing too hard for God?  We have to get to a place where we are willing to trust God no matter the situation. I believe the secret to this is to want God more than you want what you are Praying for. Scripture says Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (psalms 37:4). Instead of getting down and discouraged say God use this situation to grow me and draw me closer to you. What could I learn from this situation?  How can I be prepared for my soul mate, business, promotion, new baby? Teach me how to be content in this season? What do I need to change about me to become more like you? God is not interested in our timeline He wants to grow and mature our faith.
   The moment that we stop believing God is the moment we allow those negative emotions to set in. We become jealous, envious, bitter, and upset with God. This is exactly what the enemy wants. This will get you No where. Don't give the enemy that satisfaction. Understand that you have your own unique and beautiful Journey that God has set out just for you.  God has not forgotten about you, so when someone gets married, promoted, have a baby, job or business before you, instead of getting down on yourself say things like :

" God I believe that you have a great future planned for me"

"God I believe your timing is perfect for my life"

"God I thank you that you are still working some things out in me so that I can be prepared for my blessing"

"God  I am so grateful for where I am now in my journey I've come such a long way"

" God I thank you that I'm following your perfect will for my life and not my own"

"God I thank you that there is nothing too hard for you"

"God I Thank you that you are with me every step of the way"

"God I thank you that I am learning and growing "

"God I believe that you have the perfect soul mate just for me and you are still working on us both"

"God I believe that you gave me this desire and you're going to fulfill it"

This is a time to feed yourself and build yourself in Gods word. Began to fight back by mediating on his word and declare his promises over your life. Understand that God has not forgotten about you He is just preparing you.


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