HI readers, today I want to talk about six main characteristics of a Godly woman. Being a  Godly woman is something that we all should strive to be. I have seasons where I feel like I'm doing such a great job at being a Godly woman and I also have seasons where I feel like I'm under construction and everything is falling apart and it maybe  harder too maintain those characteristics. No matter what season I'm in I've learned too just trust in God. The main Key to being a Godly woman is to place your faith in God no matter where you are in life, so that He can help you overcome. You may be in a season where you maybe dealing with a lot and its hard too be the woman that you know you could be. That's ok. Don't count yourself out. A lot of times we are more open to let God in to help us when we're at a low point, so If your read this and don't quite see yourself as being the Godly woman don't get discouraged, be confident in knowing that you're in the perfect place for breakthrough. If all you have is a little to give, give it to God and He will make it much.  The important thing is too strive daily to be the Godly woman. It is our highest self in which we are closes to God, our Destiney, people, and are also able to be more congruent with who God really created us too be.

6 Characteristics of a Godly Woman


1.) She is a wise woman.
- She's wise When it pertains too Relationships she makes sure that she surround Herself with the right people. People that are going in the same direction as Her. People that loves God and wants a relationship with God. People that she can trust . They truly care for Her and support Her and pray for Her. She understands that bad character corrupts good people so she is careful when it comes to choosing Her friendships and she doesn't link herself with just anyone. She also is wise when it comes too the type of men she date. She knows that Her worth and identity is in Christ so she has standards when it comes too dating. She's knows that a man has to be more than his looks or what He can say. She's more interested in Godly Qualities and How He treats Her. She is not willing to settle, so she will wait on God to bring Her the right spouse at the right time. She is wise with Her time. She wakes up early everyday to make sure that she can accomplish Her daily task. She is priority driven and she spends Her time focusing on things that are important.( family, work, friends, God, and serving). She doesn't waste Her time doing trivial things like scrolling on social media all day or minding others people's business. She makes the best out of her time     
 She is very careful about the t.v. shows she watch, the music she listens too, the enviroments she places herself in, because she knows that these things can plant seeds, and she want to make sure that she's planting the right seeds  in Her mind. When it comes to finances she is self controlled, she prioritize, she plans, she makes great investments, and she know how to gives.

2.) She is consistent.
A Godly woman is a consistent woman. She is consistent with God. She prays and read Her word daily and spend time with Him she depends on Him in every situation.  She's can be consistent in her emotions because instead of relying on How she feels, she rely on the word of God for truth and not people, situations, or things. She is consistent with people and they know that they can rely on Her and trust Her for things. She is always truthful, faithful and kind to people.  She is consistent in all of Her endeavors. She is adamant about  achieving  all of her goals and dreams. She remains consistent at all times even when its hard because she knows if she can be faithful in hard times than she can faithful at any time.

3.)She is productive.
She is not lazy and she doesn't just sit around all day doing nothing or making excuses. She work with what she has and make the best of it and then rely on God for the rest. She is very productive weather its around the house, on the job, in business, in the church or community. She makes sure she get the job done and achieve her goals. She looks for opportunity to better Her self. She plans ahead of time. She makes sure that she uses her gifts and talents to the best of her ability because she understands that God has a plan for Her life. She is the epitome of a Girl Boss( a proverbs 31 woman). She doesn't have time to be distracted on social media and things that doesn't involve Her. She stays focused on what God is calling Her to do.

4.) She trust in the Lord.
She can live Her life in peace because she trusts in God to lead Her. Even when times are hard she trust Him. When she can't see Him working, When things seem like they are falling apart, when people walk out of Her life, when things doesn't go her way, when things look hopeless, when she falls short,  She can still Trust in the Lord. She trust Gods will for Her life and allows Him to lead Her every step of the way.

5.)Her identity is in Christ.
She believes what the Lord says about Her. She believe that she is valuable, loved, forgiven, righteous and saved. She doesn't have to worry about what people think about Her because she knows that Her identity is in Christ. She doesn't try to follow culture, or the standards of this world, she lives every aspect of Her life according to the word of God. She knows that Her beauty is not merely Her outer qualities but it stems from within.

6.) She is selfless.
She doesn't sit around making her life all about Her. She serves in the church, weather its on the praise team, nursery, usher board, food pantry, preach, teach, or wherever needed. She serves in Her community, volunteer work, events, community service, you tube, writing blogs.  She serves in Her Home cooking, cleaning, tending to the kids, and constantly watching out for the needs of Her home. She bless others with her time weather its being a listening ear in time of trouble, giving a prayer, giving a ride  or advice. She blesses those who are in finicial need,  if she see's  a need they she gives freely.  She is a servant of Christ and she lives Her live to serve Him and serve others.


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