Unwrapping the gift of joy

 Unwrapping the gift of joy

 As I was pondering and also praying about what should I write about today, Boom! Then it happened. Last night while in the kitchen sweeping the floor, I was so aggravated with the fact that every time that I cleaned the house it would get right back dirty. I kept on saying too myself ,"what's the point in even cleaning the house if the kids are going to dirty it up again"? I was so frustrated. I then begin to question God and ask Him " how am I suppose to find peace in the midst of this situation"? Then He reminded me of  a conversation that I had with my pastor the day before, where my pastor was reminding me to enjoy every moment in life.   I thought to myself, I really have to learn to enjoy every moment of my life no matter how frustrating it is.
 I thought that remembering that conversation with my Pastor would be enough to get me through my moment of frustration, but it was still there. So, my next question too God was " well how do I enjoy this moment"?  He whispered" Don't you remember when you prayed for this house, and how joyful you were when you first got it"? I said sarcastically " yes, I remember praying for the house, but I don't remember the joyful feeling that I had when I first got it". Then, I looked over and saw my husband on the couch watching t.v.  while I'm busy cleaning and thought "This is so unfair". Then I heard the Holy Spirit say "well I guess you wouldn't remember praying for him either"! I couldn't do nothing but burst into uncontrollable laughter! Before I knew it I was cleaning the whole house and laughing while doing it! That was all the joy that I needed to make it through that moment. I was so thankful to God for His humorous spirit that I went to sleep with a big smile on my face. I was so happy that instead of relying on the situation to bring me joy, I relied on God to bring me Joy in the midst of my situation.
  Joy is available to us everyday and for every situation, but it is also something that doesn't comes natural to us. Our nature is to murmur and complain as soon as things get hard, but if we want to experience the fullness of God's Joy we have to learn to unwrap the gift of Joy. So, Today I'm going to be giving you SIX things that will help you to be Joyful. 


1.) Always Be Thankful.
It is so easy for us to complain and see the negative in a situation. We could have ten good things happening in a day, but as soon as one thing goes wrong it erases all ten of the good things that happened that day. We end up spend the day complaining and our whole day is ruined. When we take a moment to count our blessings we will realize that we have no room to complain. The fact that we are even living and breathing is a blessing in itself because some people didn't get too see another day. We have to learn to find something to be grateful for because our situation could always be worse. Ask God to help you see the beauty in everyday. Think about some things that you are grateful for and write a list of them and also ponder on the things that God has already done for you. Make up in your mind that you won't complain. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says Give Thanks in all circumstances: for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.

2.) Depend on God daily.
Lamentations 22-23 says the steadfast love of God never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning great is your faithfulness. I love that God's grace and mercy is new everyday. We get to experience a fresh and new Joy every single day! As I mentioned earlier, the Joy that I experienced when I first purchased my home wasn't available to me 3 years later. I needed a new joy to get me through that moment. I encourage you to go to God each day for your needs and He will give you a fresh supply. This is why Jesus prayed in the Our Father pray Lord give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

3.) Enjoy the little things.
A lot of times we feel like we have to do the most extravagant things to be Content. We think that we have to go on vacation, We need to go shopping, We need more friends, We need to buy a new house, etc. The excitement of all of those things wears off pretty fast. I've learned that the most valuable things in life are the little things like: Being a help too someone, doing homework with the kids, making Christmas cookies with the family, laughing with friends, learning a new skill, etc . Taking the time out to enjoy the little things you will discover that it's the little things in life that are the most significant.
 We have to make a decision  to enjoy every moment of life. Instead of focusing on what you don't have or where you want to be, learn how to enjoy where you are and enjoy the things that you have now. I encourage you to spend time enjoying the journey because our life isn't about our destination its about our Journey get to our destination!
 Hebrews 13:5 teaches us to be content with whatever we have.

4.) Guard your heart.
What is stealing your Joy? In a world full of disappointments, and distractions its easy for us to get of track and loose hope. It is so important for us too guard our heart from the things that are stealing our joy. It could be the news station, comparison, social media, the people that you're surrounded by, a diagnosis, a relationship, or maybe its the chaos of the Christmas season? Identify exactly what it is that has been stealing your joy and remove it from your life. If you can't change your situation you can change the way you think about it. Its always something good in every situation ask God to change your perspective about your situation. Whatever situation we find ourselves in we have to learn to look on the Brightside, protect our heart, and place healthy boundaries. Proverbs 4:23 says Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

5.) Don't give up.
We are going to have our tough times in life, but the important part is that we don't give up. God is with us through whatever we are going through. I know that the tough times can seem so dark and can have you feeling like down, but if you can learn to hold on and put your hope in God, He will lead you and deliver you from darkness so that you can experience the fullness of joy again. In the midst of your situation learn how to depend on God and not your situation to bring you Joy. Scripture says weeping may stay for a night but joy comes in the morning Psalm 30:5.

6.) Get in His presence.
Make it a daily habit to experience His presence each day. Read your bible, pray and worship so that you can be close and connected to Him. When we are in His presence we don't experience shame, guilt, condemnation, worry, pain, fear, etc . God's presence is the cure for our life problems! Scriptures says In your presence is fullness of Joy; in your right hand there are pleasures forever Psalms 16:11. Get into His presence everyday so that you can experience Him and carry the presence everywhere you go.


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