Life after heart break part 2

Recovering from Heartbreak

Recovering from a heart break is one of the hardest thing that you may have to do in life. More than likely you have made this person your everything and have invested so much into the relationship and now you're devastated that it didn't work out. The break up has diminished your self-worth and has left you broken and hopeless. After going through this it can be hard to get your life back on track. You're probably missing Him, blaming yourself for why it didn't work out, afraid that he may move on without you, etc. Its very normal that you will experience this after heart break. I know being happy again is hard to see right now, but I' am a witness that if you allow God to take control He will put you're life back together and restore your happiness. Today I want to give you Eight things that you can do to help get your life back on track.

8 things to do to overcome a heartbreak

1.) Grieve.
The worst thing that you can do is to tell yourself that you are over it. Don't allow no one or yourself to tell you that you need to get over it. Acknowledge your feelings and allow yourself to feel hurt and broken. You can scream, cry, and be frustrated. It is okay! Heart breaks takes time to heal from and you need time to feel those emotions and let them out. Find someone that you can confide in to talk about how you're feeling. Then, after awhile decide that you're not going to stay there and move forward.

2.) Focus on your relationship with God.
After leaving a toxic relationship you might be tempted to fill those voids in your heart with other relationships and things. Some people may choose a relationship with another person, some may choose drugs, some may choose partying or all of them. Don't allow that pain to drive you in the wrong direction instead bring that pain to God. Heart break leaves you with deep voids and God is the only one that can heal your pain and fill those voids in your heart.
 I know it maybe hard because you are still hurting but this is another step in you moving forward to your healing. Began to Cast all you worries and cares on God for He cares for you 1 peter 5:7. He wants to take all of that hurt and pain and bring healing. Find your identity in Christ and began to mediated on what He says about you. This is going to help you find your self worth again and  place your identity in Christ and not that relationship. Trust that the break up was Gods protection over your life and that He has so much more in store for you Jeramiah 29:11
 In addition to this I would suggest reading books for healing, listen to podcasts, youtube, sermons, and listen to worship music. The goal is to fill your spirit with positive things that will help you move forward.

3.) Guard your heart.
A lot of times what leaves a person broken is failure to guard their heart. They still want to keep in contact with the person or constantly trying to find out what they are doing. You have to completely shut the door to that relationship. Cut off contact with that person, block him on your social media accounts, delete his phone number so that you won't be tempted to call Him, change your phone number, and if their are children involved only use text messages to communicate and keep the messages strictly about the child, don't go places or do things that will remind you of that relationship for now.It is your responsibility to protect your heart so that you can heal. Accept how things are and began to move forward.

4.) Do things that you love doing.
Its probably has been awhile since you have made things about you. This is the time to enjoy you again. Maybe pick up a new skill, travel places, hang out with friends, pamper yourself. Do some things that will make you happy and start putting you first again. Self love is the key.

5.) Purpose.
What are some dreams and goals that you are inspiring to accomplish? You have a purpose to accomplish in life so focus on finding that purpose. This will help switch your focus from your pain. When we accomplish things we feel good about ourselves and it boosts our confidence and helps us see the value that we have in ourselves.
 If you are unsure of your purpose, seek God and he will reveal it to you.

6.) Community.
It is important to surround yourself with the right people, especially when you're hurting. You need a community of people around you that will encourage you, and lift you up in this time, give you wise counsel and pray for you, People that remind you of who you are in Christ. You need the right people around you will help influence you to make better choices in life.

7.) Forgive yourself.
I know you're probably upset for allowing yourself to be mistreated; However, don't consider yourself to be a failure. Often times when we make mistakes in life we want to beat ourselves up, but our mistakes can be valuable lessons in our life. Without going through that relationship you probably wouldn't have learned how to appreciate your self or any other relationships. Think about the valuable things that you've learned from that experience and build you a new life with it. Romans 8:28 says All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose.

8.) Forgive Him.
Forgiving some one frees you. When you decide to hold on too bitterness and anger towards someone it is causing you to suffer. Ask yourself what are you gaining by not forgiving? In order for you to truly move forward with your life you have to make a conscience decision to let go so that you can truly be free and happy.


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