The confident wife ( How to submit to your husband with cofidence)



 Submission in a marriage can be a mutual thing (Ephesians 5:21). He may submit to your role as a mother and you may submit to his role as a father. It just means you both have areas that you are strong in, so you submit one to another. However; this still doesn't change Gods law that the husbands is the head of the house, and the wife should submit to his leadership. For most women that can be challenging because submitting makes them feel less than. When you don't understand the significance of your role as a wife it makes it hard for you to submit. In the beginning of time God created Man first. After He created man, He said " it's not good for man to be alone, I will create for him a helpmeet, some one that is comparable and suitable for Him". Now, if God just wanted to cure Adam's loneliness he could've created another man,  someone that would keep Adam company and help him tend the garden and animals. Instead God created a woman, someone who was suitable for Adam, someone who was there to complete Him and make him whole. She was that missing link in His life and she was there to add value to him. When you understand your value of your role as a wife, than you understand how important it is for you to submit.
  A man was always created to be a leader and the wife was created to be his helper. No role is more significant than the other, you were designed to complete each other. Submitting to your husband helps him become the leader that He was created to be and it helps you become the help meet that you were created to be. Most women don't realize that when they are resisting to submit that they are still living under the curse. When eve ate off of the tree, one of her punishments was that she would have a desire for her husband but he would rule over her (Genesis 3:16). That means that she would have a desire to control her husband but He will always rule over Her. Through Jesus Christ that curse is broken. We don't have to feed into that desire to overrule and control our husbands we can gladly accept our place as wife because we have found our identity through Christ. We understand the significance in submitting.
  If you are having trouble submitting than its important to deal with the root of why. Identifying the root will help you to submit. Today, I want to help you become the confident wife that you were always were created to be. I want to give you four things that you can do that'll help you to submit to your husband with confidence.


Unhealed places in your life can be the main reason why it's hard for you to submit to your husband.  You maybe hurting from a previous relationship or some sort of painful past and it has caused you to have walls built up in your life. It is impossible for you to submit like this. Instead of  thinking that your husband has your best interest in mind, its going to feel like He is trying to control you and attack you. You're going to feel like you are loosing yourself and you're not going to submit to his leadership. For example, you may say things like " He's not going to tell me what to do because the last guy that did that was abusive and controlling". This is because you are operating from a place of pain. Your husband isn't the last guy or doesn't have anything to do with your past. He doesn't deserve to have to suffer from your past either. This is why it is so important to heal.
 When you are healed you understand that submission is a strength, honor and a priveledge to do. By submitting you are encouraging your husband to be the leader of the home and you are coming into divine alignment with your role as a wife. You understand that your worth and identity is in Christ and submitting is easier because you are operating from a place of wholeness.

2.)Trust your husband.
You may have some concerns about submitting to your husbands because its hard for you to trust him to lead because He maybe struggling in some areas. Other than abuse and infidelity, we should always submit to our spouse. I wouldn't recommend anyone to stay in a abusive situation and I would recommend to seek God's counsel on infidelity. However; just because your spouse is struggling, its not a opportunity to make him for less than a man and take over his leadership role. Instead encourage him with your good conduct as a wife. 1 peter 3:1 tells us Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives. Instead of putting your husband down about his failures take the opportunity to be an example. You will never be able to see a change in your husband by putting him down, but when you choose to believe the best in you husband it encourages him to be better.

3.) Learn how to submit to God first.
 When you learn how to submit to God first you can learn how to submit to your husband. Submitting to God is something that is not easy to do because it doesn't come natural to us. God sometimes, may require us to do things that we are uncomfortable doing. For example, He may wake you up at 3am to tell you to  spend time in His word, He may tell you to forgive someone who have hurt you, He may tell you to give a large amount of money in offering. All of these things are uncomfortable and are hard to do, but when we do them anyway we are learning too let go of our will and submit to God.
 In that same manner we learn how to submit to our husbands. We do it when it's uncomfortable, we do it when we don't feel like it, and we do it when he don't deserve it because our heart is submitted to God first. When you seek to please God in everything that you do submission comes easy.

4.) Let go of the independent mindset.
Perhaps you were raised having the mindset to always be strong or maybe you grew up having no choice but to be strong because you had to do everything for yourself. That independent mindset has taught you not to rely on men for anything. Having this mindset makes it  hard for you to take the backseat and let your husband lead because you are use to being the strong one. You have to accept that You were not created to take life on by yourself. God created your husband to protect, lead and provide and you can now find comfort in the fact that you don't have to do life alone. I encourage you to study God's plan and design for marriage and your role as a wife.


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