When you pray and things get worst


 " Lord please help me not to get offended so easily", was the pray that I prayed. The very next day I woke up to very offensive comments and post on social media from people that I would've ever thought.  I couldn't believe it. I was highly offended at the messages and the post that was sent out. Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my prayer, "Lord help me not to get offended". I didn't want to get offended but, I wasn't expecting this. I prayed for things to get better but instead things got worst. How can I not be offended? Then it dawned on me, God is using this situation to teach me how not to be offended.

 Have you ever prayed to God for something to get better and instead of things getting better they got worst? Maybe you are praying for a better marriage, and you and your spouse start to argue more. Maybe you prayed for peace on your job, and your boss began to treat you unfairly, Or maybe you prayed for patience and for some reason your kids are acting out this week. Lots of time our answered prayer will look opposite of what we've prayed for.  Ideally we would love to pray and things just automatically get better however, that's not how things work most of the time. Most of the time our situation either stays the same or gets worst, but this doesn't mean that God isn't answering our prayers.

 When we pray to God for deliverance, breakthrough, or healing it's rare that God changes our situation. Most of the time God will use that situation to change us. When I prayed so that I wouldn't be offended, I began to get offended even more. Through that offense, God began to teach me how to live with offense.  When I began to change my situation began to change. People were still being offensive but, God was changing my heart and mind and how I see offense and that changed the situation. Lots of time the answer to our prayers may look like a friend betraying us, or a boss treating us poorly, or a unappreciative spouse, or your situation not changing at all. This is Gods way of using the situation to establish us so that even if our situations never change we will be stronger and better.

 Its impossible for us to live our life free from trouble.  In fact the bible tells us to expect trouble. The bible says in this world we will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Trouble is going to happen but God teaches us how to live in the midst of trouble. It is through difficult situations that we learn how to overcome we become better, stronger, and more prepared to take on the difficulties of life. The next time you pray and things get worst allow that to be a indication to you that you on the right path to healing and ask God to teach you How to work through your situation.


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